28 Apr 2009

RSPB Osprey Nest Site, South Wales.

This was two years ago on our way back from the Brecons saw a notice "RSPB This Way" so decided to follow the signs ended up in a field
where the RSPB had opened a temporary small visitor centre, inside they had cameras on the nest really good definition. I set up my scope for a view asked an official where the nest was and he pointed to the tree's just left of centre, my scope is not bad , but this distance was a trifle to far away, we made enquires from time to time and learnt that the pair had successfully reared two chicks and were ringed at five weeks, the year before the chicks died of hypothermia heavy rain and unseasonal low temperatures were to blame.

Paired Redshanks

These birds are now seriously into nesting also ringed Plover in the same area, RSPB Elmley.

26 Apr 2009

Wood Pigeon

Such a handsome lad I had to give him a frame...

A Collared Dove

22 Apr 2009

Speckled Wood ?

I am going to stick my neck out now and identify this butterfly as a Speckled Wood.

21 Apr 2009

Upper Halling, North Downs

In 1944 I was four years old and lived on the pilgrims way, Upper Halling, we moved up from Whitstable so as to make it easier for my father to get to his work place, Chatham Dockyard. We rented the last property on that road in those days, which was a bungalow. I remember my mother cleaning a lettuce at the rear kitchen window and I stood alongside her and pointed to an aircraft on fire and plummeting to earth, it crashed and remember a tall plume of smoke and explosions, police and fire brigade were in attendance but could do nothing, the pilot was killed , and years later my mother told me the aircraft was one of ours and was limping back to West Malling Air Station after an encounter with the enemy, when it could no longer stay in the air it crash landed, this hole is all that remains of that memory all those years ago. Tuesday was a bit of a pilgrimage which I have made many times, but I do not think we will be able to climb the downs next year, we only just made it this time after about fifteen stops and using my inhaler frequently.
Wonder if Ken is familiar with that particular spot and the public footpath with the two stiles?


A very warm afternoon which resulted in this Jackdaw laying down and spreading it's wings, it stayed in this prone position for ten minutes, this roof is south facing but I can think of no other reason than he was just enjoying the warmth, as I was, obviously not lying on a roof.
The closest I have been to experiencing this behaviour have been Blackbirds lying in the same position but on the ground and have read that this activity is a de-lousing activity and is not the same behaviour activity as this Jackdaw.
So come on guys, is anyone else familiar with this activity?

20 Apr 2009


When you get to observe these playful, cackling, birds at close quarters, they seem to have individual personalities and my observations put them as diverse as our own race.

19 Apr 2009

Dove Portrait

The caterpillar of the Brown Tail Moth

Two pictures taken today 19th April of caterpillar hatchlings on a Hawthorn, no doubt that Greenie or Warren can supply the species?
Many thanks Greenie and Warren for the identification it's a good job I never touched them I have enough allergies the Yellow fields are particularly bad for me, I think they have planted up Sheppey leaving only RSPB Elmley uncropt.

18 Apr 2009


Ringed and still hanging around, to my mind one of our top twenty.


Taken today


Taken from my bungalow window today.
Planning on a trip to Mimsmear with the camper on Monday.

14 Apr 2009

The RSPB Elmley HQ.

Showing the farm at distance and the three Oaks that the barn owls nest in every year, nest boxes of course.

This years Avocets

The Avocets are back at RSPB Elmley in greater numbers than of previous years they are even occupying the recent scrape adjacent to the farm and viewed from the farm.
They, to me are still one of my top ten UK birds.

6 Apr 2009

Meadow Pipit

This was taken at Elmley today 6th April, 35 Avocets on Wellmarsh, 2 pairs Shoveler, a great number of Shelduck in telescope view, Ringed Plover four, left and right of the trackway before the parking area the Redshank are nesting. Also the Harriers were very active at Harty and Elmley.

5 Apr 2009


A week ago I only had two of these regularly but today has been showing two more.


This great bird has been a visitor to the feeding station for the past three days it was only today that I noticed the ring on its leg, would dearly like to know where the ringing Occurred.

3 Apr 2009